Pod B

Serine Avagyan, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor

Serine Avagyan, MD, PhD studies blood stem cell clonality and clonal hematopoiesis.

Robert Blelloch, MD, PhD


Robert Blelloch, MD, PhD studies gene regulation of pluripotent stem cells, early development, and cancer.

Diana Laird, PhD

Ob/Gyn, Reproductive Sciences

Diana Laird, PhD studies the development and regulation of primordial germ cells, stem cells in the embryo that give rise to eggs or sperm.

Dan Wagner, PhD

Assistant Professor
Ob/Gyn, Reproductive Sciences

Dan Wagner, PhD studies the molecular mechanisms of tissue patterning and error correction in vertebrate embryos using high-throughput single-cell profiling, in vivo imaging, and functional genomics. Visit the Wagner lab website.