
The Morbidity and Mortality of Surgery for Traumatic Brain Injury in Geriatric Patients: A Study of Over 100 000 Patient Cases.


Haddad AF, DiGiorgio AM, Lee YM, Lee AT, Burke JF, Huang MC, Dhall SS, Manley GT, Tarapore PE

Microscale Surgery on Single Axons.


David W. Sretavan, Wesley Chang, Elizabeth Hawkes, Christopher Keller, Michel Kliot

Extent of surgical resection predicts seizure freedom in low-grade temporal lobe brain tumors.


Englot DJ, Han SJ, Berger MS, Barbaro NM, Chang EF

Improved Survival with Decreased Wait Time to Surgery in Glioblastoma Patients Presenting with Seizure.


Flanigan PM, Jahangiri A, Kuang R, Truong A, Choi S, Chou A, Rick JW, Chang SM, Molinaro AM, McDermott MW, Berger MS, Aghi MK

Presentation of type I Chiari malformation after head trauma.


Mampalam TJ, Andrews BT, Gelb D, Ferriero D, Pitts LH

Association of Neurological Impairment on the Relative Benefit of Maximal Extent of Resection in Chemoradiation-Treated Newly Diagnosed Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Wild-Type Glioblastoma.


Aabedi AA, Young JS, Zhang Y, Ammanuel S, Morshed RA, Dalle Ore C, Brown D, Phillips JJ, Oberheim Bush NA, Taylor JW, Butowski N, Clarke J, Chang SM, Aghi M, Molinaro AM, Berger MS, Hervey-Jumper SL

Microscale surgery on single axons.


Sretavan DW, Chang W, Hawkes E, Keller C, Kliot M
