Nature communications

Topological data analysis for discovery in preclinical spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury.

Nature communications

Nielson JL, Paquette J, Liu AW, Guandique CF, Tovar CA, Inoue T, Irvine KA, Gensel JC, Kloke J, Petrossian TC, Lum PY, Carlsson GE, Manley GT, Young W, Beattie MS, Bresnahan JC, Ferguson AR

Chromatin organizer SATB1 controls the cell identity of CD4+ CD8+ double-positive thymocytes by regulating the activity of super-enhancers.

Nature communications

Feng D, Chen Y, Dai R, Bian S, Xue W, Zhu Y, Li Z, Yang Y, Zhang Y, Zhang J, Bai J, Qin L, Kohwi Y, Shi W, Kohwi-Shigematsu T, Ma J, Liao S, Hao B

The impact of microRNAs on transcriptional heterogeneity and gene co-expression across single embryonic stem cells.

Nature communications

Gambardella G, Carissimo A, Chen A, Cutillo L, Nowakowski TJ, di Bernardo D, Blelloch R

Platelet-derived exerkine CXCL4/platelet factor 4 rejuvenates hippocampal neurogenesis and restores cognitive function in aged mice.

Nature communications

Leiter O, Brici D, Fletcher SJ, Yong XLH, Widagdo J, Matigian N, Schroer AB, Bieri G, Blackmore DG, Bartlett PF, Anggono V, Villeda SA, Walker TL

Lineage dynamics of murine pancreatic development at single-cell resolution.

Nature communications

Byrnes LE, Wong DM, Subramaniam M, Meyer NP, Gilchrist CL, Knox SM, Tward AD, Ye CJ, Sneddon JB

Focal adhesion kinase-YAP signaling axis drives drug-tolerant persister cells and residual disease in lung cancer.

Nature communications

Haderk F, Chou YT, Cech L, Fernández-Méndez C, Yu J, Olivas V, Meraz IM, Barbosa Rabago D, Kerr DL, Gomez C, Allegakoen DV, Guan J, Shah KN, Herrington KA, Gbenedio OM, Nanjo S, Majidi M, Tamaki W, Pourmoghadam YK, Rotow JK, McCoach CE, Riess JW, Gutkind JS, Tang TT, Post L, Huang B, Santisteban P, Goodarzi H, Bandyopadhyay S, Kuo CJ, Roose JP, Wu W, Blakely CM, Roth JA, Bivona TG

Disruptive mutations in TANC2 define a neurodevelopmental syndrome associated with psychiatric disorders.

Nature communications

Guo H, Bettella E, Marcogliese PC, Zhao R, Andrews JC, Nowakowski TJ, Gillentine MA, Hoekzema K, Wang T, Wu H, Jangam S, Liu C, Ni H, Willemsen MH, van Bon BW, Rinne T, Stevens SJC, Kleefstra T, Brunner HG, Yntema HG, Long M, Zhao W, Hu Z, Colson C, Richard N, Schwartz CE, Romano C, Castiglia L, Bottitta M, Dhar SU, Erwin DJ, Emrick L, Keren B, Afenjar A, Zhu B, Bai B, Stankiewicz P, Herman K, University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics, Mercimek-Andrews S, Juusola J, Wilfert AB, Abou Jamra R, Büttner B, Mefford HC, Muir AM, Scheffer IE, Regan BM, Malone S, Gecz J, Cobben J, Weiss MM, Waisfisz Q, Bijlsma EK, Hoffer MJV, Ruivenkamp CAL, Sartori S, Xia F, Rosenfeld JA, Bernier RA, Wangler MF, Yamamoto S, Xia K, Stegmann APA, Bellen HJ, Murgia A, Eichler EE

Dental cell type atlas reveals stem and differentiated cell types in mouse and human teeth.

Nature communications

Krivanek J, Soldatov RA, Kastriti ME, Chontorotzea T, Herdina AN, Petersen J, Szarowska B, Landova M, Matejova VK, Holla LI, Kuchler U, Zdrilic IV, Vijaykumar A, Balic A, Marangoni P, Klein OD, Neves VCM, Yianni V, Sharpe PT, Harkany T, Metscher BD, Baj?noff M, Mina M, Fried K, Kharchenko PV, Adameyko I

A high-coverage shRNA screen identifies TMEM129 as an E3 ligase involved in ER-associated protein degradation.

Nature communications

van de Weijer ML, Bassik MC, Luteijn RD, Voorburg CM, Lohuis MA, Kremmer E, Hoeben RC, LeProust EM, Chen S, Hoelen H, Ressing ME, Patena W, Weissman JS, McManus MT, Wiertz EJ, Lebbink RJ

Regulatory T cells promote cancer immune-escape through integrin αvβ8-mediated TGF-β activation.

Nature communications

Lainé A, Labiad O, Hernandez-Vargas H, This S, Sanlaville A, Léon S, Dalle S, Sheppard D, Travis MA, Paidassi H, Marie JC
