Nature communications

Epigenetic and transcriptional determinants of the human breast.

Nature communications

Gascard P, Bilenky M, Sigaroudinia M, Zhao J, Li L, Carles A, Delaney A, Tam A, Kamoh B, Cho S, Griffith M, Chu A, Robertson G, Cheung D, Li I, Heravi-Moussavi A, Moksa M, Mingay M, Hussainkhel A, Davis B, Nagarajan RP, Hong C, Echipare L, O'Geen H, Hangauer MJ, Cheng JB, Neel D, Hu D, McManus MT, Moore R, Mungall A, Ma Y, Plettner P, Ziv E, Wang T, Farnham PJ, Jones SJ, Marra MA, Tlsty TD, Costello JF, Hirst M

Single-cell transcriptome atlas of the human corpus cavernosum.

Nature communications

Zhao L, Han S, Su H, Li J, Zhi E, Li P, Yao C, Tian R, Chen H, Chen H, Luo J, Shi C, Ji Z, Hu J, Wu G, Zhou W, Tang Y, Chen Y, Lin G, Lue TF, Wu D, Li Z

Ligand-binding domains of nuclear receptors facilitate tight control of split CRISPR activity.

Nature communications

Nguyen DP, Miyaoka Y, Gilbert LA, Mayerl SJ, Lee BH, Weissman JS, Conklin BR, Wells JA

Hypoimmune anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T cells provide lasting tumor control in fully immunocompetent allogeneic humanized mice.

Nature communications

Hu X, Manner K, DeJesus R, White K, Gattis C, Ngo P, Bandoro C, Tham E, Chu EY, Young C, Wells F, Basco R, Friera A, Kangeyan D, Beauchesne P, Dowdle WE, Deuse T, Fry TJ, Foster AE, Schrepfer S

A mouse model of autism implicates endosome pH in the regulation of presynaptic calcium entry.

Nature communications

Ullman JC, Yang J, Sullivan M, Bendor J, Levy J, Pham E, Silm K, Seifikar H, Sohal VS, Nicoll RA, Edwards RH

Epigenetic reprogramming shapes the cellular landscape of schwannoma.

Nature communications

Liu SJ, Casey-Clyde T, Cho NW, Swinderman J, Pekmezci M, Dougherty MC, Foster K, Chen WC, Villanueva-Meyer JE, Swaney DL, Vasudevan HN, Choudhury A, Pak J, Breshears JD, Lang UE, Eaton CD, Hiam-Galvez KJ, Stevenson E, Chen KH, Lien BV, Wu D, Braunstein SE, Sneed PK, Magill ST, Lim D, McDermott MW, Berger MS, Perry A, Krogan NJ, Hansen MR, Spitzer MH, Gilbert L, Theodosopoulos PV, Raleigh DR

Functional interactions between neurofibromatosis tumor suppressors underlie Schwann cell tumor de-differentiation and treatment resistance.

Nature communications

Vasudevan HN, Payne E, Delley CL, John Liu S, Mirchia K, Sale MJ, Lastella S, Nunez MS, Lucas CG, Eaton CD, Casey-Clyde T, Magill ST, Chen WC, Braunstein SE, Perry A, Jacques L, Reddy AT, Pekmezci M, Abate AR, McCormick F, Raleigh DR

Immature excitatory neurons develop during adolescence in the human amygdala.

Nature communications

Sorrells SF, Paredes MF, Velmeshev D, Herranz-P?rez V, Sandoval K, Mayer S, Chang EF, Insausti R, Kriegstein AR, Rubenstein JL, Manuel Garcia-Verdugo J, Huang EJ, Alvarez-Buylla A

Identification of Meibomian gland stem cell populations and mechanisms of aging.

Nature communications

Zhu X, Xu M, Portal C, Lin Y, Ferdinand A, Peng T, Morrisey EE, Dlugosz AA, Castellano JM, Lee V, Seykora JT, Wong SY, Iomini C, Millar SE

Integration of multiple biological contexts reveals principles of synthetic lethality that affect reproducibility.

Nature communications

Ku AA, Hu HM, Zhao X, Shah KN, Kongara S, Wu D, McCormick F, Balmain A, Bandyopadhyay S
