The Journal of cell biology

Distinct conformations of the kinesin Unc104 neck regulate a monomer to dimer motor transition.

The Journal of cell biology

Al-Bassam J, Cui Y, Klopfenstein D, Carragher BO, Vale RD, Milligan RA

CXCR4 and a cell-extrinsic mechanism control immature B lymphocyte egress from bone marrow.

The Journal of cell biology

Thomas C. Beck, Ana Cordeiro Gomes, Jason G. Cyster, João P. Pereira

Requirement for sialic acid on the endothelial ligand of a lymphocyte homing receptor.

The Journal of cell biology

True DD, Singer MS, Lasky LA, Rosen SD

Homologous chromosome pairing in Drosophila melanogaster proceeds through multiple independent initiations.

The Journal of cell biology

Fung JC, Marshall WF, Dernburg A, Agard DA, Sedat JW

The GARP complex prevents sterol accumulation at the trans-Golgi network during dendrite remodeling.

The Journal of cell biology

O'Brien CE, Younger SH, Jan LY, Jan YN

Hyperstabilization of T cell microvilli contacts by chimeric antigen receptors.

The Journal of cell biology

Beppler C, Eichorst J, Marchuk K, Cai E, Castellanos CA, Sriram V, Roybal KT, Krummel MF

Autocrine laminin-5 ligates alpha6beta4 integrin and activates RAC and NFkappaB to mediate anchorage-independent survival of mammary tumors.

The Journal of cell biology

Zahir N, Lakins JN, Russell A, Ming W, Chatterjee C, Rozenberg GI, Marinkovich MP, Weaver VM
