Journal of Investigative Dermatology

485 A hairy story: Pain facilitating dermal TRPV1 innervations engage a macrophage and fibroblast containing pathway to activate hair growth in mice.

Journal of Investigative Dermatology

T.L. Ben-Saanan, K. Knöpper, L. Duan, R. Liu, H. Taglinao, Y. Xu, J. An, M.V. Plikus, J.G. Cyster

091 5C analysis reveals distinct spatial contact networks between gene-rich and gene-poor TADs at the Epidermal Differentiation Complex in skin epithelial cells.

Journal of Investigative Dermatology

K. Poterlowicz, J. Yarker, I. Malashchuk, A.N. Mardaryev, M.R. Gdula, A. sharov, T. Kohwi-Shigematsu, V. Botchkarev, M.Y. Fessing

671 Cross-talk between covalent DNA modifications and chromatin architecture: DNA dioxygenase Tet2 mediates the effects of chromatin architectural protein CTCF on epidermal barrier maintenance, inflammation and tumorigenesis.

Journal of Investigative Dermatology

I. Malashchuk, J. Rudolf, T. Vafaee, K. Poterlowicz, A. Sharov, M. Fessing, T. Kohwi-Shigematsu, G. Xu, A. Mardaryev, V. Botchkarev

1021 Origin of type 2 innate lymphoid cells in the skin.

Journal of Investigative Dermatology

J. Lee, C. Schneider, H. Liang, R. Ricardo-Gonzalez, J. Nussbaum, L. Smith, S. Villeda, R. Locksley

1220 MicroRNA signature distinguishing nevi from primary melanoma.

Journal of Investigative Dermatology

R. Torres, U. Lang, S. Shelton, Y. Yeniay, N. Joseph, A. Shain, I. Yeh, M. Oldham, M.L. Wei, B. Bastian, R. Judson

786 A machine-learning classifier trained with microRNA ratios to distinguish melanomas from nevi.

Journal of Investigative Dermatology

R. Torres, U. Lang, N.M. Joseph, A.H. Shain, I. Yeh, M.L. Wei, M.C. Oldham, B. Bastian, R.L. Judson-Torres

LB869 Single-cell RNA-seq analysis of circulating immune cells in dermatomyositis in patients with and without a history of cancer.

Journal of Investigative Dermatology

M.A. Mintz, M. Kazmi, A. Almonte Loya, E. Flynn, L. Maliskova, W. Eckalbar, A.J. Combes, G.K. Fragiadakis, J.G. Cyster, A. Haemel