Cell reports

GABP couples oncogene signaling to telomere regulation in TERT promoter mutant cancer.

Cell reports

McKinney AM, Mathur R, Stevers NO, Molinaro AM, Chang SM, Phillips JJ, Costello JF

Dual a-globin-truncated erythropoietin receptor knockin restores hemoglobin production in a-thalassemia-derived erythroid cells.

Cell reports

Chu SN, Soupene E, Sharma D, Sinha R, McCreary T, Hernandez B, Shen H, Wienert B, Bowman C, Yin H, Lesch BJ, Jia K, Romero KA, Kostamo Z, Zhang Y, Tran T, Cordero M, Homma S, Hampton JP, Gardner JM, Conklin BR, MacKenzie TC, Sheehan VA, Porteus MH, Cromer MK

Phospholipid Homeostasis Regulates Dendrite Morphogenesis in Drosophila Sensory Neurons.

Cell reports

Meltzer S, Bagley JA, Perez GL, O'Brien CE, DeVault L, Guo Y, Jan LY, Jan YN

Variable SATB1 Levels Regulate Hematopoietic Stem Cell Heterogeneity with Distinct Lineage Fate.

Cell reports

Doi Y, Yokota T, Satoh Y, Okuzaki D, Tokunaga M, Ishibashi T, Sudo T, Ueda T, Shingai Y, Ichii M, Tanimura A, Ezoe S, Shibayama H, Kohwi-Shigematsu T, Takeda J, Oritani K, Kanakura Y

miR-15/16 Restrain Memory T Cell Differentiation, Cell Cycle, and Survival.

Cell reports

Gagnon JD, Kageyama R, Shehata HM, Fassett MS, Mar DJ, Wigton EJ, Johansson K, Litterman AJ, Odorizzi P, Simeonov D, Laidlaw BJ, Panduro M, Patel S, Jeker LT, Feeney ME, McManus MT, Marson A, Matloubian M, Sanjabi S, Ansel KM

miR-29 Sustains B Cell Survival and Controls Terminal Differentiation via Regulation of PI3K Signaling.

Cell reports

Hines MJ, Coffre M, Mudianto T, Panduro M, Wigton EJ, Tegla C, Osorio-Vasquez V, Kageyama R, Benhamou D, Perez O, Bajwa S, McManus MT, Ansel KM, Melamed D, Koralov SB
