Paolo Rinaudo, MD, PhD

Ob/Gyn, Reproductive Sciences
+1 415 353-3040

Paolo Rinaudo, MD is a clinical reproductive endocrinologist who studies the culture of mammalian embryos and the potential long-term health consequences due to culture.


Analysis of Tanner stage in children conceived after the diagnosis of infertility: the DESCRT study.

Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics

Liu JY, Hu R, Lustig RH, Huang D, Adeleye AJ, Rinaudo P, Cedars MI, Zablotska LB

The effect of fertility treatment and socioeconomic status on neonatal and post-neonatal mortality in the United States.

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association

Sharma M, Fineman DC, Keller RL, Maltepe E, Rinaudo PF, Steurer MA

Overweight or obesity in children born after assisted reproductive technologies in Denmark: A population-based cohort study.

PLoS medicine

Laugesen K, Veres K, Hernandez-Diaz S, Chiu YH, Oberg AS, Hsu J, Rinaudo P, Spaan M, van Leeuwen F, Sørensen HT

Culture conditions in the IVF laboratory: state of the ART and possible new directions.

Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics

Sciorio R, Rinaudo P

Fertility treatment increases the risk of preterm birth independent of multiple gestations.

F&S reports

Fineman DC, Keller RL, Maltepe E, Rinaudo PF, Steurer MA

Study protocol for a Developmental Epidemiological Study of Children born through Reproductive Technologies (DESCRT).

Human reproduction open

Adeleye AJ, Zablotska L, Rinaudo P, Huang D, Lustig RH, Cedars MI

Meiotic spindle transfer for infertility: Where should we go next?

Fertility and sterility

Rinaudo P, Coutifaris C

Metabolomic Profile of Children Conceived With Medically Assisted Technologies.

The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism

Tolani AT, Cedars MI, Zablotska LB, Rinaudo PF

Micro-scale probing of the Rat's oviduct detects its viscoelastic property needed for creating a biologically relevant substrate for In-Vitro- Fertilization.

Progress in biophysics and molecular biology

Jafarbeglou F, Nazari MA, Iravanimanesh S, Amanpour S, Keikha F, Rinaudo P, Azadi M

Emulating a target trial of the comparative effectiveness of clomiphene citrate and letrozole for ovulation induction.

Human reproduction (Oxford, England)

Yland JJ, Chiu YH, Rinaudo P, Hsu J, Hernán MA, Hernández-Díaz S

DNA methylation profile of liver of mice conceived by in vitro fertilization.

Journal of developmental origins of health and disease

Lira-Albarrán S, Liu X, Lee SH, Rinaudo P

Outcomes of Very Preterm Infants Conceived with Assisted Reproductive Technologies.

The Journal of pediatrics

Fineman DC, Keller RL, Maltepe E, Rinaudo PF, Steurer MA

Will PRP therapy find a niche in reproductive medicine? Not ready for prime time.

Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics

Rinaudo P, Albertini D

Sex-specific epigenetic profile of inner cell mass of mice conceived in vivo or by IVF.

Molecular human reproduction

Ruggeri E, Lira-Albarrán S, Grow EJ, Liu X, Harner R, Maltepe E, Ramalho-Santos M, Donjacour A, Rinaudo P

Effect of culture conditions and method of conception on mouse live birth rate.

F&S science

Xiao Z, Donjacour A, Harner R, Simbulan R, Kao CN, Ruggeri E, Liu X, Maltepe E, Rinaudo P

The Effect of Prenatal Treatments on Offspring Events in the Presence of Competing Events: An Application to a Randomized Trial of Fertility Therapies.

Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.)

Chiu YH, Stensrud MJ, Dahabreh IJ, Rinaudo P, Diamond MP, Hsu J, Hernández-Díaz S, Hernán MA

Oxygen concentration alters mitochondrial structure and function in in vitro fertilized preimplantation mouse embryos.

Human reproduction (Oxford, England)

Belli M, Zhang L, Liu X, Donjacour A, Ruggeri E, Palmerini MG, Nottola SA, Macchiarelli G, Rinaudo P

Pre-Implantation Mouse Embryos Cultured In Vitro under Different Oxygen Concentrations Show Altered Ultrastructures.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Belli M, Rinaudo P, Palmerini MG, Ruggeri E, Antonouli S, Nottola SA, Macchiarelli G

Outcomes of pulmonary vascular disease in infants conceived with non-IVF fertility treatment and assisted reproductive technologies at 1 year of age.

Pediatric pulmonology

Fineman DC, Baer RJ, Chambers CD, Rajagopal S, Maltepe E, Rinaudo PF, Fineman JR, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL, Steurer MA

Oxygen concentration alters mitochondrial structure and function in in vitro fertilized preimplantation mouse embryos.

Human reproduction (Oxford, England)

Belli M, Zhang L, Liu X, Donjacour A, Ruggeri E, Palmerini MG, Nottola SA, Macchiarelli G, Rinaudo P

Advanced Paternal Age Affects Sperm Count and Anogenital Distance in Mouse Offspring.

Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.)

Caballero-Campo P, Lin W, Simbulan R, Liu X, Feuer S, Donjacour A, Rinaudo PF

An initial step in examining long-term outcomes for children born after IVF.

Reproductive biomedicine online

Hsu J, Velasco JAG, Rinaudo P

Physiological, metabolic and transcriptional postnatal phenotypes of in vitro fertilization (IVF) in the mouse.

Journal of developmental origins of health and disease

Feuer SK, Rinaudo PF

To freeze or not to freeze: heating the debate but cooling the practice?

Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics

Rinaudo PF, Hsu J

Common and specific transcriptional signatures in mouse embryos and adult tissues induced by in vitro procedures.

Reproduction (Cambridge, England)

Feuer S, Liu X, Donjacour A, Simbulan R, Maltepe E, Rinaudo P

Adult male mice conceived by in vitro fertilization exhibit increased glucocorticoid receptor expression in fat tissue.

Journal of developmental origins of health and disease

Simbulan RK, Liu X, Feuer SK, Maltepe E, Donjacour A, Rinaudo P

Unwind and transcribe: chromatin reprogramming in the early mammalian embryo.

Current opinion in genetics & development

Biechele S, Lin CJ, Rinaudo PF, Ramalho-Santos M

Embryonic stem cells derived from in vivo or in vitro-generated murine blastocysts display similar transcriptome and differentiation potential.

PloS one

Simbulan RK, Di Santo M, Liu X, Lin W, Donjacour A, Maltepe E, Shenoy A, Borini A, Rinaudo P

HIGD1A Regulates Oxygen Consumption, ROS Production, and AMPK Activity during Glucose Deprivation to Modulate Cell Survival and Tumor Growth.

Cell reports

Ameri K, Jahangiri A, Rajah AM, Tormos KV, Nagarajan R, Pekmezci M, Nguyen V, Wheeler ML, Murphy MP, Sanders TA, Jeffrey SS, Yeghiazarians Y, Rinaudo PF, Costello JF, Aghi MK, Maltepe E

A critical review of bi-dimensional and three-dimensional ultrasound techniques to monitor follicle growth: do they help improving IVF outcome?

Reproductive biology and endocrinology : RB&E

Revelli A, Martiny G, Delle Piane L, Benedetto C, Rinaudo P, Tur-Kaspa I

Behavior and brain gene expression changes in mice exposed to preimplantation and prenatal stress.

Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.)

Strata F, Giritharan G, Sebastiano FD, Piane LD, Kao CN, Donjacour A, Rinaudo P

LIMK1 regulates human trophoblast invasion/differentiation and is down-regulated in preeclampsia.

The American journal of pathology

Zhou Y, Yuge A, Rajah AM, Unek G, Rinaudo PF, Maltepe E

Sexually dimorphic effect of in vitro fertilization (IVF) on adult mouse fat and liver metabolomes.


Feuer SK, Donjacour A, Simbulan RK, Lin W, Liu X, Maltepe E, Rinaudo PF

In vitro fertilization affects growth and glucose metabolism in a sex-specific manner in an outbred mouse model.

Biology of reproduction

Donjacour A, Liu X, Lin W, Simbulan R, Rinaudo PF

Use of a mouse in vitro fertilization model to understand the developmental origins of health and disease hypothesis.


Feuer SK, Liu X, Donjacour A, Lin W, Simbulan RK, Giritharan G, Piane LD, Kolahi K, Ameri K, Maltepe E, Rinaudo PF

A role for the chemokine receptor CCR6 in mammalian sperm motility and chemotaxis.

Journal of cellular physiology

Caballero-Campo P, Buffone MG, Benencia F, Conejo-García JR, Rinaudo PF, Gerton GL

Nuclear localization of the mitochondrial factor HIGD1A during metabolic stress.

PloS one

Ameri K, Rajah AM, Nguyen V, Sanders TA, Jahangiri A, Delay M, Donne M, Choi HJ, Tormos KV, Yeghiazarians Y, Jeffrey SS, Rinaudo PF, Rowitch DH, Aghi M, Maltepe E

ECM-dependent HIF induction directs trophoblast stem cell fate via LIMK1-mediated cytoskeletal rearrangement.

PloS one

Choi HJ, Sanders TA, Tormos KV, Ameri K, Tsai JD, Park AM, Gonzalez J, Rajah AM, Liu X, Quinonez DM, Rinaudo PF, Maltepe E

ART and health: clinical outcomes and insights on molecular mechanisms from rodent studies.

Molecular human reproduction

Feuer SK, Camarano L, Rinaudo PF

Preimplantation stress and development.

Birth defects research. Part C, Embryo today : reviews

Feuer S, Rinaudo P

(1)H NMR based profiling of spent culture media cannot predict success of implantation for day 3 human embryos.

Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics

Rinaudo P, Shen S, Hua J, Qian S, Prabhu U, Garcia E, Cedars M, Sukumaran D, Szyperski T, Andrews C

Metaphase II (MII) oocytes obtained at different time points in the same in vitro fertilization cycle.

Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics

Cakmak H, Fujimoto VY, Zamah AM, Rosen MP, Tran ND, Cedars MI, Rinaudo PF

Effect of substrate stiffness on early mouse embryo development.

PloS one

Kolahi KS, Donjacour A, Liu X, Lin W, Simbulan RK, Bloise E, Maltepe E, Rinaudo P

Impaired placental nutrient transport in mice generated by in vitro fertilization.


Bloise E, Lin W, Liu X, Simbulan R, Kolahi KS, Petraglia F, Maltepe E, Donjacour A, Rinaudo P

In vitro culture of mouse embryos reduces differential gene expression between inner cell mass and trophectoderm.

Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.)

Giritharan G, Delle Piane L, Donjacour A, Esteban FJ, Horcajadas JA, Maltepe E, Rinaudo P

Fetal programming and metabolic syndrome.

Annual review of physiology

Rinaudo P, Wang E

Effect of ICSI on gene expression and development of mouse preimplantation embryos.

Human reproduction (Oxford, England)

Giritharan G, Li MW, Di Sebastiano F, De Sebastiano F, Esteban FJ, Horcajadas JA, Lloyd KC, Donjacour A, Maltepe E, Rinaudo PF

Effect of the method of conception and embryo transfer procedure on mid-gestation placenta and fetal development in an IVF mouse model.

Human reproduction (Oxford, England)

Delle Piane L, Lin W, Liu X, Donjacour A, Minasi P, Revelli A, Maltepe E, Rinaudo PF

Preimplantation mouse embryo selection guided by light-induced dielectrophoresis.

PloS one

Valley JK, Swinton P, Boscardin WJ, Lue TF, Rinaudo PF, Wu MC, Garcia MM

Fertilization rate is an independent predictor of implantation rate.

Fertility and sterility

Rosen MP, Shen S, Rinaudo PF, Huddleston HG, McCulloch CE, Cedars MI

Follicular fluid content and oocyte quality: from single biochemical markers to metabolomics.

Reproductive biology and endocrinology : RB&E

Revelli A, Delle Piane L, Casano S, Molinari E, Massobrio M, Rinaudo P

The effect of follicular fluid hormones on oocyte recovery after ovarian stimulation: FSH level predicts oocyte recovery.

Reproductive biology and endocrinology : RB&E

Rosen MP, Zamah AM, Shen S, Dobson AT, McCulloch CE, Rinaudo PF, Lamb JD, Cedars MI

Fetal origins of perinatal morbidity and/or adult disease.

Seminars in reproductive medicine

Rinaudo PF, Lamb J

A quantitative assessment of follicle size on oocyte developmental competence.

Fertility and sterility

Rosen MP, Shen S, Dobson AT, Rinaudo PF, McCulloch CE, Cedars MI

Effect of in vitro fertilization on gene expression and development of mouse preimplantation embryos.

Reproduction (Cambridge, England)

Giritharan G, Talbi S, Donjacour A, Di Sebastiano F, Dobson AT, Rinaudo PF

Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is associated with ovarian follicular activity.

Fertility and sterility

Rosen MP, Shen S, McCulloch CE, Rinaudo PF, Cedars MI, Dobson AT

A computational parameter study of embryo transfer.

Annals of biomedical engineering

Lauko IG, Rinaudo P, Dashev S

Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T and A1298C variants do not affect ongoing pregnancy rates following IVF.

Human reproduction (Oxford, England)

Dobson AT, Davis RM, Rosen MP, Shen S, Rinaudo PF, Chan J, Cedars MI

Effects of oxygen tension on gene expression in preimplantation mouse embryos.

Fertility and sterility

Rinaudo PF, Giritharan G, Talbi S, Dobson AT, Schultz RM

Symptomatic patients with an early viable intrauterine pregnancy: HCG curves redefined.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Barnhart KT, Sammel MD, Rinaudo PF, Zhou L, Hummel AC, Guo W

Acute and chronic presentation of ectopic pregnancy may be two clinical entities.

Fertility and sterility

Barnhart KT, Rinaudo P, Hummel A, Pena J, Sammel MD, Chittams J

Do assisted reproductive technologies cause adverse fetal outcomes?

Fertility and sterility

Kovalevsky G, Rinaudo P, Coutifaris C

Primary psoas abscess complicating a normal vaginal delivery.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Shahabi S, Klein JP, Rinaudo PF

Microinjection of mitochondria into zygotes creates a model for studying the inheritance of mitochondrial DNA during preimplantation development.

Fertility and sterility

Rinaudo P, Niven-Fairchild T, Buradagunta S, Massobrio M, Revelli A, Keefe DL

Atrial septal defect and pregnancy: a retrospective analysis of obstetrical outcome before and after surgical correction.

Minerva cardioangiologica

Actis Dato GM, Rinaudo P, Revelli A, Actis Dato A, Punta G, Centofanti P, Cavaglià M, Barbato L, Massobrio M

Dissociation between intracellular calcium elevation and development of human oocytes treated with calcium ionophore.

Fertility and sterility

Rinaudo P, Pepperell JR, Buradgunta S, Massobrio M, Keefe DL

Hormone induction of ascorbic acid transport in immature granulosa cells.


Behrman HR, Preston SL, Aten RF, Rinaudo P, Zreik TG

Identification of calcium flux in single preimplantation mouse embryos with the calcium-sensitive vibrating probe.

The Biological bulletin

Keefe D, Pepperell J, Rinaudo P, Kunkel J, Smith P