Bruce Wang, MD

Associate Professor
+1 415 476-6160

Bruce Wang, MD studies the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate liver development, homeostasis and regeneration.


AAV capsid prioritization in normal and steatotic human livers maintained by machine perfusion.

Nature biotechnology

Kim JJ, Kurial SNT, Choksi PK, Nunez M, Lunow-Luke T, Bartel J, Driscoll J, Her CL, Dhillon S, Yue W, Murti A, Mao T, Ramos JN, Tiyaboonchai A, Grompe M, Mattis AN, Syed SM, Wang BM, Maher JJ, Roll GR, Willenbring H

An organism-wide atlas of hormonal signaling based on the mouse lemur single-cell transcriptome.

Nature communications

Liu S, Ezran C, Wang MFZ, Li Z, Awayan K, Tabula Microcebus Consortium, Long JZ, De Vlaminck I, Wang S, Epelbaum J, Kuo CS, Terrien J, Krasnow MA, Ferrell JE

Liver transplantation and primary liver cancer in porphyria.

Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver

Lissing M, Wang B, Wahlin S

Single-nuclei characterization of pervasive transcriptional signatures across organs in response to COVID-19.


COVID Tissue Atlas Consortium, Granados AA, Bucher S, Song H, Agrawal A, Chen AT, Peng T, Neff N, Pisco AO, Huang F, Wang B

Reducing diagnostic delays in Acute Hepatic Porphyria using electronic health records data and machine learning: a multicenter development and validation study.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Bhasuran B, Schmolly K, Kapoor Y, Jayakumar NL, Doan R, Amin J, Meninger S, Cheng N, Deering R, Anderson K, Beaven SW, Wang B, Rudrapatna VA

Evidence-based consensus guidelines for the diagnosis and management of protoporphyria-related liver dysfunction in erythropoietic protoporphyria and X-linked protoporphyria.

Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)

Levy C, Dickey AK, Wang B, Thapar M, Naik H, Keel SB, Saberi B, Beaven SW, Rudnick SR, Elmariah SB, Erwin AL, Goddu RJ, Hedstrom K, Leaf RK, Kazamel M, Mazepa M, Philpotts LL, Quigley J, Raef H, Ungar J, Anderson KE, Balwani M, Porphyrias Consortium of the Rare Diseases Clinical Network

Concordance of MERFISH spatial transcriptomics with bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing.

Life science alliance

Liu J, Tran V, Vemuri VNP, Byrne A, Borja M, Kim YJ, Agarwal S, Wang R, Awayan K, Murti A, Taychameekiatchai A, Wang B, Emanuel G, He J, Haliburton J, Oliveira Pisco A, Neff NF

A pilot study of oral iron therapy in erythropoietic protoporphyria and X-linked protoporphyria.

Molecular genetics and metabolism reports

Balwani M, Naik H, Overbey JR, Bonkovsky HL, Bissell DM, Wang B, Phillips JD, Desnick RJ, Anderson KE

Rare, Overlooked, or Underappreciated Causes of Recurrent Abdominal Pain: A Primer for Gastroenterologists.

Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association

Brenner DM, Brandt LJ, Fenster M, Hamilton MJ, Kamboj AK, Oxentenko AS, Wang B, Chey WD

Polygenic enrichment distinguishes disease associations of individual cells in single-cell RNA-seq data.

Nature genetics

Zhang MJ, Hou K, Dey KK, Sakaue S, Jagadeesh KA, Weinand K, Taychameekiatchai A, Rao P, Pisco AO, Zou J, Wang B, Gandal M, Raychaudhuri S, Pasaniuc B, Price AL

Evidence-based consensus guidelines for the diagnosis and management of erythropoietic protoporphyria and X-linked protoporphyria.

Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology

Dickey AK, Naik H, Keel SB, Levy C, Beaven SW, Elmariah SB, Erwin AL, Goddu RJ, Hedstrom K, Leaf RK, Kazamel M, Mazepa M, Philpotts LL, Quigley J, Raef H, Rudnick SR, Saberi B, Thapar M, Ungar J, Wang B, Balwani M, Porphyrias Consortium of the Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network

Disease burden in patients with acute hepatic porphyria: experience from the phase 3 ENVISION study.

Orphanet journal of rare diseases

Wang B, Ventura P, Takase KI, Thapar M, Cassiman D, Kubisch I, Liu S, Sweetser MT, Balwani M

Single-cell analysis of hepatoblastoma identifies tumor signatures that predict chemotherapy susceptibility using patient-specific tumor spheroids.

Nature communications

Song H, Bucher S, Rosenberg K, Tsui M, Burhan D, Hoffman D, Cho SJ, Rangaswami A, Breese M, Leung S, Ventura MVP, Sweet-Cordero EA, Huang FW, Nijagal A, Wang B

The Tabula Sapiens: A multiple-organ, single-cell transcriptomic atlas of humans.

Science (New York, N.Y.)

Tabula Sapiens Consortium*, Jones RC, Karkanias J, Krasnow MA, Pisco AO, Quake SR, Salzman J, Yosef N, Bulthaup B, Brown P, Harper W, Hemenez M, Ponnusamy R, Salehi A, Sanagavarapu BA, Spallino E, Aaron KA, Concepcion W, Gardner JM, Kelly B, Neidlinger N, Wang Z, Crasta S, Kolluru S, Morri M, Pisco AO, Tan SY, Travaglini KJ, Xu C, Alc?ntara-Hern?ndez M, Almanzar N, Antony J, Beyersdorf B, Burhan D, Calcuttawala K, Carter MM, Chan CKF, Chang CA, Chang S, Colville A, Crasta S, Culver RN, Cvijovic I, D'Amato G, Ezran C, Galdos FX, Gillich A, Goodyer WR, Hang Y, Hayashi A, Houshdaran S, Huang X, Irwin JC, Jang S, Juanico JV, Kershner AM, Kim S, Kiss B, Kolluru S, Kong W, Kumar ME, Kuo AH, Leylek R, Li B, Loeb GB, Lu WJ, Mantri S, Markovic M, McAlpine PL, de Morree A, Morri M, Mrouj K, Mukherjee S, Muser T, Neuh?fer P, Nguyen TD, Perez K, Phansalkar R, Pisco AO, Puluca N, Qi Z, Rao P, Raquer-McKay H, Schaum N, Scott B, Seddighzadeh B, Segal J, Sen S, Sikandar S, Spencer SP, Steffes LC, Subramaniam VR, Swarup A, Swift M, Travaglini KJ, Van Treuren W, Trimm E, Veizades S, Vijayakumar S, Vo KC, Vorperian SK, Wang W, Weinstein HNW, Winkler J, Wu TTH, Xie J, Yung AR, Zhang Y, Detweiler AM, Mekonen H, Neff NF, Sit RV, Tan M, Yan J, Bean GR, Charu V, Forg? E, Martin BA, Ozawa MG, Silva O, Tan SY, Toland A, Vemuri VNP, Afik S, Awayan K, Botvinnik OB, Byrne A, Chen M, Dehghannasiri R, Detweiler AM, Gayoso A, Granados AA, Li Q, Mahmoudabadi G, McGeever A, de Morree A, Olivieri JE, Park M, Pisco AO, Ravikumar N, Salzman J, Stanley G, Swift M, Tan M, Tan W, Tarashansky AJ, Vanheusden R, Vorperian SK, Wang P, Wang S, Xing G, Xu C, Yosef N, Alc?ntara-Hern?ndez M, Antony J, Chan CKF, Chang CA, Colville A, Crasta S, Culver R, Dethlefsen L, Ezran C, Gillich A, Hang Y, Ho PY, Irwin JC, Jang S, Kershner AM, Kong W, Kumar ME, Kuo AH, Leylek R, Liu S, Loeb GB, Lu WJ, Maltzman JS, Metzger RJ, de Morree A, Neuh?fer P, Perez K, Phansalkar R, Qi Z, Rao P, Raquer-McKay H, Sasagawa K, Scott B, Sinha R, Song H, Spencer SP, Swarup A, Swift M, Travaglini KJ, Trimm E, Veizades S, Vijayakumar S, Wang B, Wang W, Winkler J, Xie J, Yung AR, Artandi SE, Beachy PA, Clarke MF, Giudice LC, Huang FW, Huang KC, Idoyaga J, Kim SK, Krasnow M, Kuo CS, Nguyen P, Quake SR, Rando TA, Red-Horse K, Reiter J, Relman DA, Sonnenburg JL, Wang B, Wu A, Wu SM, Wyss-Coray T

Molecular hallmarks of heterochronic parabiosis at single-cell resolution.


Pálovics R, Keller A, Schaum N, Tan W, Fehlmann T, Borja M, Kern F, Bonanno L, Calcuttawala K, Webber J, McGeever A, Tabula Muris Consortium, Luo J, Pisco AO, Karkanias J, Neff NF, Darmanis S, Quake SR, Wyss-Coray T

Cell types of origin of the cell-free transcriptome.

Nature biotechnology

Vorperian SK, Moufarrej MN, Tabula Sapiens Consortium, Quake SR

Single-cell analysis of human primary prostate cancer reveals the heterogeneity of tumor-associated epithelial cell states.

Nature communications

Song H, Weinstein HNW, Allegakoen P, Wadsworth MH, Xie J, Yang H, Castro EA, Lu KL, Stohr BA, Feng FY, Carroll PR, Wang B, Cooperberg MR, Shalek AK, Huang FW

Human alveolar type 2 epithelium transdifferentiates into metaplastic KRT5+ basal cells.

Nature cell biology

Kathiriya JJ, Wang C, Zhou M, Brumwell A, Cassandras M, Le Saux CJ, Cohen M, Alysandratos KD, Wang B, Wolters P, Matthay M, Kotton DN, Chapman HA, Peng T

RNA splicing programs define tissue compartments and cell types at single-cell resolution.


Olivieri JE, Dehghannasiri R, Wang PL, Jang S, de Morree A, Tan SY, Ming J, Ruohao Wu A, Tabula Sapiens Consortium, Quake SR, Krasnow MA, Salzman J

Novel treatment options for acute hepatic porphyrias.

Current opinion in gastroenterology

Wang B

The acute hepatic porphyrias.

Translational gastroenterology and hepatology

Wang B

TBX3 functions as a tumor suppressor downstream of activated CTNNB1 mutants during hepatocarcinogenesis.

Journal of hepatology

Liang B, Zhou Y, Qian M, Xu M, Wang J, Zhang Y, Song X, Wang H, Lin S, Ren C, Monga SP, Wang B, Evert M, Chen Y, Chen X, Huang Z, Calvisi DF, Chen X

Pituitary stem cells produce paracrine WNT signals to control the expansion of their descendant progenitor cells.


Russell JP, Lim X, Santambrogio A, Yianni V, Kemkem Y, Wang B, Fish M, Haston S, Grabek A, Hallang S, Lodge EJ, Patist AL, Schedl A, Mollard P, Nusse R, Andoniadou CL

Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Acute Hepatic Porphyrias: Results from the Longitudinal Study of the U.S. Porphyrias Consortium.

Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)

Saberi B, Naik H, Overbey JR, Erwin AL, Anderson KE, Bissell DM, Bonkovsky HL, Phillips JD, Wang B, K Singal A, M McGuire B, Desnick RJ, Balwani M

Evidence in the UK Biobank for the underdiagnosis of erythropoietic protoporphyria.

Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics

Dickey AK, Quick C, Ducamp S, Zhu Z, Feng YA, Naik H, Balwani M, Anderson KE, Lin X, Phillips JE, Rebeiz L, Bonkovsky HL, McGuire BM, Wang B, Chasman DI, Smoller JW, Fleming MD, Christiani DC

Ageing hallmarks exhibit organ-specific temporal signatures.


Schaum N, Lehallier B, Hahn O, Pálovics R, Hosseinzadeh S, Lee SE, Sit R, Lee DP, Losada PM, Zardeneta ME, Fehlmann T, Webber JT, McGeever A, Calcuttawala K, Zhang H, Berdnik D, Mathur V, Tan W, Zee A, Tan M, Tabula Muris Consortium, Pisco AO, Karkanias J, Neff NF, Keller A, Darmanis S, Quake SR, Wyss-Coray T

Phase 3 Trial of RNAi Therapeutic Givosiran for Acute Intermittent Porphyria.

The New England journal of medicine

Balwani M, Sardh E, Ventura P, Peiró PA, Rees DC, Stölzel U, Bissell DM, Bonkovsky HL, Windyga J, Anderson KE, Parker C, Silver SM, Keel SB, Wang JD, Stein PE, Harper P, Vassiliou D, Wang B, Phillips J, Ivanova A, Langendonk JG, Kauppinen R, Minder E, Horie Y, Penz C, Chen J, Liu S, Ko JJ, Sweetser MT, Garg P, Vaishnaw A, Kim JB, Simon AR, Gouya L, ENVISION Investigators

Ly6cLo non-classical monocytes promote resolution of rhesus rotavirus-mediated perinatal hepatic inflammation.

Scientific reports

Alkhani A, Levy CS, Tsui M, Rosenberg KA, Polovina K, Mattis AN, Mack M, Van Dyken S, Wang BM, Maher JJ, Nijagal A

mTORC2 Signaling Is Necessary for Timely Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy.

The American journal of pathology

Xu M, Wang H, Wang J, Burhan D, Shang R, Wang P, Zhou Y, Li R, Liang B, Evert K, Utpatel K, Xu Z, Song X, Che L, Calvisi DF, Wang B, Chen X, Zeng Y, Chen X

Evaluating the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System scales in acute intermittent porphyria.

Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics

Naik H, Overbey JR, Montgomery GH, Winkel G, Balwani M, Anderson KE, Bissell DM, Bonkovsky HL, Phillips JD, Wang B, McGuire B, Keel S, Levy C, Erwin A, Desnick RJ

Evaluating quality of life tools in North American patients with erythropoietic protoporphyria and X-linked protoporphyria.

JIMD reports

Naik H, Overbey JR, Desnick RJ, Anderson KE, Bissell DM, Bloomer J, Bonkovsky HL, Phillips JD, Wang B, Singal A, Balwani M

Axis inhibition protein 1 (Axin1) Deletion-Induced Hepatocarcinogenesis Requires Intact β-Catenin but Not Notch Cascade in Mice.

Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)

Qiao Y, Wang J, Karagoz E, Liang B, Song X, Shang R, Evert K, Xu M, Che L, Evert M, Calvisi DF, Tao J, Wang B, Monga SP, Chen X

Tissue Repair in the Mouse Liver Following Acute Carbon Tetrachloride Depends on Injury-Induced Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling.

Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)

Zhao L, Jin Y, Donahue K, Tsui M, Fish M, Logan CY, Wang B, Nusse R

Acute Hepatic Porphyrias: Review and Recent Progress.

Hepatology communications

Wang B, Rudnick S, Cengia B, Bonkovsky HL

Inflammatory Cytokine TNFα Promotes the Long-Term Expansion of Primary Hepatocytes in 3D Culture.


Peng WC, Logan CY, Fish M, Anbarchian T, Aguisanda F, Álvarez-Varela A, Wu P, Jin Y, Zhu J, Li B, Grompe M, Wang B, Nusse R

Single-cell transcriptomics of 20 mouse organs creates a Tabula Muris.


Tabula Muris Consortium, Overall coordination, Logistical coordination, Organ collection and processing, Library preparation and sequencing, Computational data analysis, Cell type annotation, Writing group, Supplemental text writing group, Principal investigators

Acute hepatic porphyrias: Recommendations for evaluation and long-term management.

Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)

Balwani M, Wang B, Anderson KE, Bloomer JR, Bissell DM, Bonkovsky HL, Phillips JD, Desnick RJ, Porphyrias Consortium of the Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network

Clinical, Biochemical, and Genetic Characterization of North American Patients With Erythropoietic Protoporphyria and X-linked Protoporphyria.

JAMA dermatology

Balwani M, Naik H, Anderson KE, Bissell DM, Bloomer J, Bonkovsky HL, Phillips JD, Overbey JR, Wang B, Singal AK, Liu LU, Desnick RJ

Pitfalls in Erythrocyte Protoporphyrin Measurement for Diagnosis and Monitoring of Protoporphyrias.

Clinical chemistry

Gou EW, Balwani M, Bissell DM, Bloomer JR, Bonkovsky HL, Desnick RJ, Naik H, Phillips JD, Singal AK, Wang B, Keel S, Anderson KE

Self-renewing diploid Axin2(+) cells fuel homeostatic renewal of the liver.


Wang B, Zhao L, Fish M, Logan CY, Nusse R

Acute Hepatic Porphyria.

Journal of clinical and translational hepatology

Bissell DM, Wang B

Acute liver failure with thyrotoxicosis treated with liver transplantation.

Endocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists

Cascino MD, McNabb B, Gardner DG, Woeber KA, Fox AN, Wang B, Fix OK

Fate tracing of mature hepatocytes in mouse liver homeostasis and regeneration.

The Journal of clinical investigation

Malato Y, Naqvi S, Schürmann N, Ng R, Wang B, Zape J, Kay MA, Grimm D, Willenbring H

Role of alphavbeta6 integrin in acute biliary fibrosis.

Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)

Wang B, Dolinski BM, Kikuchi N, Leone DR, Peters MG, Weinreb PH, Violette SM, Bissell DM

Six decades of progress and change in hospital medicine, 1947-2007.

The Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha-Honor Medical Society. Alpha Omega Alpha

Wang B, Dhaliwal G, Sleisenger MH

TWEAK induces liver progenitor cell proliferation.

The Journal of clinical investigation

Jakubowski A, Ambrose C, Parr M, Lincecum JM, Wang MZ, Zheng TS, Browning B, Michaelson JS, Baetscher M, Baestcher M, Wang B, Bissell DM, Burkly LC

Hereditary Coproporphyria


Wang B, Bissell DM