Jason Pomerantz, MD

+1 415 353-4285

Jason Pomerantz, MD studies mesenchymal tissue regeneration.


Rodent Model of Masseter Volumetric Muscle Loss for Studying Bioengineering Materials.

Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE

Rohrer L, Striedinger K, Pomerantz J

Acrylated Hyaluronic-Acid Based Hydrogel for the Treatment of Craniofacial Volumetric Muscle Loss.

Tissue engineering. Part A

Rohrer L, Kato S, Browne SA, Striedinger-Melo K, Healy K, Pomerantz JH

Opioid-free Pain Management after Cleft Lip Repair.

Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open

Do A, Rorison E, Borucki A, Shibata GS, Pomerantz JH, Hoffman WY

Analyzing Linguistic Disparities in Telehealth Care Outcomes at a Multidisciplinary Craniofacial Center.

The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal : official publication of the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association

Danial E, Rios J, Badiee R, Rosenbluth G, Pomerantz JH

Melanoma in infants, caused by a gene fusion involving the anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK).

Pigment cell & melanoma research

Perkins IU, Tan SY, McCalmont TH, Chou PM, Mully TW, Gerami P, Pomerantz JH, Reyes-Múgica M, Balkin DM, Kruse LL, Huang B, Reichek JL, Gangopadhyay N, Chiosea S, Green JR, Chamlin SL, Frieden IJ, Bastian BC, Yeh I

Loss of transcriptional heterogeneity in aged human muscle stem cells.

PloS one

Barruet E, Striedinger K, Marangoni P, Pomerantz JH

Long-pulsed neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet for hair reduction in pediatric microtia repair.

Pediatric dermatology

Braun M, Pomerantz JH, Hoffman WY, Mathes EF

Patient-Reported Outcomes in Gender-Affirming Facial Surgery: Recommendations from a Multidisciplinary Gender Health Panel.

Facial plastic surgery & aesthetic medicine

Zebolsky AL, Gulati A, Badiee RK, Pardo ST, Deutsch MB, Knott PD, Park AM, Pomerantz JH, Hoffman WY, Seth R

Gender-Affirming Facial Feminization Surgery at a Public, Safety-Net Hospital: A Single-Center Early Experience.

The Journal of craniofacial surgery

Alcon A, Badiee RK, Barnes LL, Pardo ST, Zevin B, Pomerantz JH

Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in Prompt Craniosynostosis Workup and Treatment.

The Journal of craniofacial surgery

Badiee RK, Maru J, Yang SC, Alcon A, Rosenbluth G, Pomerantz JH

Robin Sequence: 5-Year Speech Outcomes-A Case-Control Study.

Plastic and reconstructive surgery

Logjes RJH, Breugem CC, Pomerantz JH

Superior Long-term Appearance of Strip Craniectomy Compared with Cranial Vault Reconstruction in Metopic Craniosynostosis.

Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open

Badiee RK, Popowitz E, Mark IT, Alcon A, Hwang J, Rorison E, Auguste KI, Hoffman WY, Sun PP, Pomerantz JH

Disparities in Timing of Alveolar Bone Grafting and Dental Reconstruction in Patients With Clefts.

The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal : official publication of the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association

Badiee RK, Yang SC, Alcon A, Weeks AC, Rosenbluth G, Pomerantz JH

Modeling the ACVR1R206H mutation in human skeletal muscle stem cells.


Barruet E, Garcia SM, Wu J, Morales BM, Tamaki S, Moody T, Pomerantz JH, Hsiao EC

Comparing Long-term Outcomes of Open Cranial Vault Reconstruction and Minimally Invasive Strip Craniectomy in Metopic Craniosynostosis.

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Global Open

Ryan Badiee, Emma Popowitz, Ian Mark, Joan Hwang, Eve Rorison, Kurtis Auguste, William Y. Hoffman, Peter P. Sun, Jason H. Pomerantz

An Early Experience with Gender-affirming Facial Feminization Surgery at a Public, Safety-net Hospital.

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Global Open

Andre Alcon, Ryan K. Badiee, Laura L. Barnes, Seth T. Pardo, Barry Zevin, Jason H. Pomerantz

Comparing Long-term Outcomes of Open Cranial Vault Reconstruction and Minimally Invasive Strip Craniectomy in Metopic Craniosynostosis

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open.

Badiee RK, Popowitz E, Mark I, Hwang J, Rorison E, Auguste KI, Hoffman WY, Sun PP, and Pomerantz JH.

Purification and preservation of satellite cells from human skeletal muscle.

STAR protocols

Striedinger K, Barruet E, Pomerantz JH

Long-term Speech Outcomes of Cleft Palate Repair in Robin Sequence versus Isolated Cleft Palate.

Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open

Logjes RJH, Upton S, Mendelsohn BA, Badiee RK, Breugem CC, Hoffman WY, Pomerantz JH

ACVR1R206H increases osteogenic/ECM gene expression and impairs myofiber formation in human skeletal muscle stem cells


Barruet E, Garcia SM, Wu J, Morales BM, Tamaki S, Moody T, and Pomerantz JH.

Facial Feminization Surgery: Key CT Findings for Preoperative Planning and Postoperative Evaluation.

AJR. American journal of roentgenology

Callen AL, Badiee RK, Phelps A, Potigailo V, Wang E, Lee S, Talbott J, Glastonbury C, Pomerantz JH, Narvid J

Facial Feminization Surgery: Key CT Findings for Preoperative Planning and Postoperative Evaluation.

AJR. American journal of roentgenology

Callen AL, Badiee RK, Phelps A, Potigailo V, Wang E, Lee S, Talbott J, Glastonbury C, Pomerantz JH, Narvid J

Satellite cell activation and retention of muscle regenerative potential after long-term denervation.

Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio)

Wong A, Garcia SM, Tamaki S, Striedinger K, Barruet E, Hansen SL, Young DM, Pomerantz JH

Transitioning Multidisciplinary Craniofacial Care to Telehealth during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Single Center Experience.

Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open

Badiee RK, Willsher H, Rorison E, Langham M, Donnelly A, Rosenbluth G, Pomerantz JH

Human ARF Specifically Inhibits Epimorphic Regeneration in the Zebrafish Heart.


Lee S, Hesse R, Tamaki S, Garland C, Pomerantz JH

MON-710 ACVR1 Activation in Primary and iPS-Derived Human Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells Impairs Myogenic Transcriptional Signature and Function.

Journal of the Endocrine Society

Emilie Barruet, Steven Garcia, Stanley Tamaki, Blanca M Morales, Jake Wu, Tania Moody, Jason H Pomerantz, Edward Chiaming Hsiao

Functionally heterogeneous human satellite cells identified by single cell RNA sequencing.


Barruet E, Garcia SM, Striedinger K, Wu J, Lee S, Byrnes L, Wong A, Xuefeng S, Tamaki S, Brack AS, Pomerantz JH

From gut to glutes: The critical role of niche signals in the maintenance and renewal of adult stem cells.

Current opinion in cell biology

Trentesaux C, Striedinger K, Pomerantz JH, Klein OD

TASP1 mutation in a female with craniofacial anomalies, anterior segment dysgenesis, congenital immunodeficiency and macrocytic anemia.

Molecular genetics & genomic medicine

Balkin DM, Poranki M, Forester CM, Dorsey MJ, Slavotinek A, Pomerantz JH

A Cross-sectional Study of the Association between Homelessness and Facial Fractures.

Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open

Nguyen AB, Grimes B, Neuhaus J, Pomerantz JH

Case Report of Floating-Harbor Syndrome With Bilateral Cleft Lip.

The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal : official publication of the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association

Ko J, Pomerantz JH, Perry H, Shieh JT, Slavotinek AM, Oberoi S, Klein OD

Muscle stem cell activation in a mouse model of rotator cuff injury.

Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society

Davies MR, Garcia S, Tamaki S, Liu X, Lee S, Jose A, Pomerantz JH, Feeley BT

High-Yield Purification, Preservation, and Serial Transplantation of Human Satellite Cells.

Stem cell reports

Garcia SM, Tamaki S, Lee S, Wong A, Jose A, Dreux J, Kouklis G, Sbitany H, Seth R, Knott PD, Heaton C, Ryan WR, Kim EA, Hansen SL, Hoffman WY, Pomerantz JH

Recalcitrant Invasive Skin Cancer of the Scalp: Combined Extirpation and Microsurgical Reconstruction Without Cranioplasty.

The Journal of craniofacial surgery

Cho GJ, Wang F, Garcia SM, Viner J, Hoffman WY, McDermott MW, Pomerantz JH

EPHRIN-B1 Mosaicism Drives Cell Segregation in Craniofrontonasal Syndrome hiPSC-Derived Neuroepithelial Cells.

Stem cell reports

Niethamer TK, Larson AR, O'Neill AK, Bershteyn M, Hsiao EC, Klein OD, Pomerantz JH, Bush JO

Human Satellite Cell Isolation and Xenotransplantation.

Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)

Garcia SM, Tamaki S, Xu X, Pomerantz JH

Human Satellite Cell Transplantation and Regeneration from Diverse Skeletal Muscles.

Stem cell reports

Xu X, Wilschut KJ, Kouklis G, Tian H, Hesse R, Garland C, Sbitany H, Hansen S, Seth R, Knott PD, Hoffman WY, Pomerantz JH

Bilateral Coronoidectomy by Craniofacial Approach for Hecht Syndrome-Related Trismus.

The Journal of craniofacial surgery

Balkin DM, Chen I, Oberoi S, Pomerantz JH

Abstract 143.

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Xiaoti Xu, Karlijn Wilschut, Gayle Kouklis, Hua Tian, Robert Hesse, Jason H. Pomerantz

Simultaneous silencing of multiple RB and p53 pathway members induces cell cycle reentry in intact human pancreatic islets.

BMC biotechnology

Tamaki S, Nye C, Slorach E, Scharp D, Blau HM, Whiteley PE, Pomerantz JH

Tumor suppressors: enhancers or suppressors of regeneration?

Development (Cambridge, England)

Pomerantz JH, Blau HM

Regenerative strategies for craniofacial disorders.

Frontiers in physiology

Garland CB, Pomerantz JH

Re"evolutionary" regenerative medicine.


Blau HM, Pomerantz JH

Short telomeres and stem cell exhaustion model Duchenne muscular dystrophy in mdx/mTR mice.


Sacco A, Mourkioti F, Tran R, Choi J, Llewellyn M, Kraft P, Shkreli M, Delp S, Pomerantz JH, Artandi SE, Blau HM

Transient inactivation of Rb and ARF yields regenerative cells from postmitotic mammalian muscle.

Cell stem cell

Pajcini KV, Corbel SY, Sage J, Pomerantz JH, Blau HM

Reprogramming to a muscle fate by fusion recapitulates differentiation.

Journal of cell science

Pomerantz JH, Mukherjee S, Palermo AT, Blau HM

Nuclear reprogramming in heterokaryons is rapid, extensive, and bidirectional.

FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

Palermo A, Doyonnas R, Bhutani N, Pomerantz J, Alkan O, Blau HM

Myoblasts and macrophages share molecular components that contribute to cell-cell fusion.

Journal of Experimental Medicine

Kostin V. Pajcini, Jason H. Pomerantz, Ozan Alkan, Regis Doyonnas, Helen M. Blau

Suture techniques for the nasal tip.

Aesthetic surgery journal

Gruber RP, Weintraub J, Pomerantz J

Noggin suppression enhances in vitro osteogenesis and accelerates in vivo bone formation.

The Journal of biological chemistry

Wan DC, Pomerantz JH, Brunet LJ, Kim JB, Chou YF, Wu BM, Harland R, Blau HM, Longaker MT

Active tissue-specific DNA demethylation conferred by somatic cell nuclei in stable heterokaryons.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Zhang F, Pomerantz JH, Sen G, Palermo AT, Blau HM

A system for quantifying dynamic protein interactions defines a role for Herceptin in modulating ErbB2 interactions.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Wehrman TS, Raab WJ, Casipit CL, Doyonnas R, Pomerantz JH, Blau HM

49: Plastic Surgery Research Council 2005 Clifford C. Synder, MD Award - Nuclear Cloning by Fusion of Somatic Cells

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Pomerantz JH and Blau HM (published as "APA Pomerantz, Jason MD; Pomerantz, Blau J.")

Noggin suppression enhances osteogenesis of murine osteoblasts.

Journal of the American College of Surgeons

Derrick C. Wan, Jason Pomerantz, Randall Nacamuli, Matthew Siedhoff, Helen Blau, Michael T. Longaker

Bone marrow contribution to skeletal muscle: a physiological response to stress.

Developmental biology

Palermo AT, Labarge MA, Doyonnas R, Pomerantz J, Blau HM

Adult Bone-Marrow-Derived Stem Cells. From Brain to Brawn


Blau H and Pomerantz J.

Muscle injury: Blood to the rescue

Experimental Hematology.

Blau HM, Doyonnas R, Labarge MA, Sacco A, Palermo A, and Pomerantz J.

Essential role for oncogenic Ras in tumour maintenance.


Chin L, Tam A, Pomerantz J, Wong M, Holash J, Bardeesy N, Shen Q, O'Hagan R, Pantginis J, Zhou H, Horner JW, Cordon-Cardo C, Yancopoulos GD, DePinho RA

Involvement of the Ink4a gene (p16 and p19arf) in murine tumorigenesis.

International journal of oncology

Orlow I, Rabbani F, Chin L, Pomerantz J, Ligeois N, Dudas M, Depinho R, Cordón-Cardó C

The INK4a/ARF tumor suppressor: one gene--two products--two pathways.

Trends in biochemical sciences

Chin L, Pomerantz J, DePinho RA

The Ink4a tumor suppressor gene product, p19Arf, interacts with MDM2 and neutralizes MDM2's inhibition of p53.


Pomerantz J, Schreiber-Agus N, Liégeois NJ, Silverman A, Alland L, Chin L, Potes J, Chen K, Orlow I, Lee HW, Cordon-Cardo C, DePinho RA

The familial melanoma gene INK4a, cooperates with activated RAS in development of melanoma: A mouse model

Journal of Dermatological Science.

Chin L, Pomerantz J, Wong M, Horner J, and DePinho R.

Cooperative effects of INK4a and ras in melanoma susceptibility in vivo.

Genes & development

Chin L, Pomerantz J, Polsky D, Jacobson M, Cohen C, Cordon-Cardo C, Horner JW, DePinho RA

Mouse Models to examine the role of INK4a and RAS in malignant melanoma

Journal Investigative Dermatology.

Chin L, Pomerantz J, Liegeois N, Jacobson M, Horner J, and DePinho R.